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Book your Consultation

Contact us with your initial enquiry and we'll schedule your consultation session.


We'll spend time assessing your space and understanding your goals.  All consultations are completely confidential and judgement free.

After your initial consultation, it's time to book your session


Choose a Package

Additional Hour

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1 Session (3 hours)

One 3-hour session with one professional organiser.  
Small projects pay only require a single 3-hour session in order to get everything complete.  If you need more time, additional hours are available to purchase.

Single Session


Credit card and transaction fees apply for this product. Total purchase $152.98.
One month expiry.

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Additional Hour

Need some more time?
Add to your purchased session.

Purchase an additional hour or two if you need a little more time to complete your already booked session.

More Time


Credit card and transaction fees apply for this product. Total purchase $61.35.

Most projects will require more than one session.  For that reason we highly recommend one of our multi-session packages at a lower rate than purchasing each session individually.  Rates for single organiser.  Packages must be paid in full to receive discount rate and to receive your project dates.

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4 Sessions (12 hours)

Four 3-hour session with one professional organiser.  
Original price $600.00
5% discount for multiple session booking.

Multiple Sessions


Credit card and transaction fees apply for this product. Total purchase $580.26.
One month expiry.


8 Sessions (24 hours)

Eight 3-hour session with one professional organiser.  
Original price $1,200.00
10% discount for multiple session booking.

Multiple Sessions


Credit card and transaction fees apply for this product. Total purchase $1,099.17.
Two month expiry.


12 Sessions (36 hours)

Twelve 3-hour session with one professional organiser.  
Original price $1,800.00
20% discount for multiple session booking.

Multiple Sessions


Credit card and transaction fees apply for this product. Total purchase $1,465.44.
Two month expiry.

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24 Sessions (72 hours)

Twenty four 3-hour session with one professional organiser.  
Original price $3,600.00
30% discount for multiple session booking.

Multiple Sessions


Credit card and transaction fees apply for this product. Total purchase $2,564.31
Three month expiry.

Payment for all packages and services can be made by credit card, using the cart button provided, or by bank transfer to Professionally Organised, BSB 164-118  Acct 1048 6141.  

Professionally Organised offers in-home organising services in the Brisbane area and surrounds. We charge no travel fees within a 20 kilometre radius of 4122-Mount Gravatt. Travel fees ($0.75 per km) apply beyond this zone. Virtual consultations do not attract travel fees.

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